
Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Assalamualaikum.... and of course salam sejahtera..

love... cinta... piyar... salang bahse korea... amor (spain)... ape lagi.... seluruh kehidupan nih semua ade cinta... walau dalam ayat perkataan and sebutan yang berbeza.. tapi satu makna.. satu rase yang same....
macam dalam gambar tu kan... love never fails.... yes that is correct... love never fails.. but human make it fails... why.... sebabnye manusia nih ade banyak perwatakan.. ade banyak perasaan dan ade banyak emosi..... so bile segala yang berkenaan tak terkawal.. then love will fails....

entah nape tah terase jiwang karat la ari nih.. mayb sbb banyak sgt pikir kut... entah... kekadang tak dpat nak elak gak kan dari terpikir pasal cinta... tapi ape yang penting.. yang utama... cinta pada yang Satu... Allah.... tiada sape yang berhak untuk mencintai sesuatu atau seseorang lebih dari cinta kita pada Allah.... so muhasabah diri.... tak perlu la kalu kite kecundang dalam bercinta nak frust menonggeng... smpi jadi tak bermaya... pikir dah tak de ape untuk diri nihh... itu salah.. kite perlu lah kuat tabah... jangan fikir yang kalau da putus cinta tu... smpi hilang pertimbangan diri... yang perlu kite buat solat... doa.. mintak pada Dia.. mintak ampun.. mungkin mase bercinta sesame manusia.. kite lupe Dia... sebab tu die bagi peringatan.... bahawa segala yang berlaku sekarang hanya pinjaman.. yang penting kita kene sedar diri... mane yang lebih penting dan mana yang perlu dijaga...

bukan maksud smpi xboleh langsung nak bercinta.. nak couple...bolehh tapi dengan had yang betul.... aku ckp nih pun sebenarnye untuk diri sendiri juga... saling mengingati... tak salah kan... insyallah dapat pahala lagi... heee.... nih nak buat peringatan jerr.... sebab takut kan kalau dah banyak sgt pikir bende lain.. lupe lak bende yang lagi pentingg...wallahum...

::::::::Nukilan tak seberape::::::::::
CINTA bukan hanya bercakap melalui alam maya, ia perlu nyata dan ikhlas,
CINTA perlu bertemu, berkomunikasi dan bertentang mata, tapi perlu berlandaskan hukum agama,
CINTA perlu ada rasa, rasa sayang, rasa tolak ansur, rasa hormat dan yang pasti rasa untuk melindungi maruah dan kehormatan seseorang,
jika CINTA tiada semua itu, maka ia hanyalah NAFSU semata....
kerana CINTA adalah suci dan perlu dipelihara......

Thursday, January 12, 2012

another one to go.... caiyokk!!!!


Alhamdulillah... lepas da 3 paper... tinggal lg 1 jer... tp tu pun x tau camne result nnt... seremmm bangat nihh.... huhuhuh
yg paling seram paper first... xtau la ape yg dijawap ari tu.. adoi laa.... menci toollll.... sedeh... nak nanges sumer laa.... tawakal jer la nihh...kut kene repeat sem depan buat jer laa... doa-doa... jangan la de repeat dahh..... tolongg lahhh....

ape2.... insyallah success.... sem depan klu bleh nak struggle betul2.... nak abis cepat2... leh cari keje lakk.... ha ade x keje kosong kat mane2... leh recommend kan i x... hehehhe....
mudah-mudahan senangla dpt keje.. nak kumpul rete lak.... kawen nak gak... tapi nak mencari susah yang amat... so better la kumpul arte siap-siap.... mane lau tau kut mmg beseorangan smpi akhir... kurang2 ade harter.... leh amik anak angkat ke.... heee...insyallah ade jodoh yang ditentukan oleh Nya untuk setiap umatnya... kan... lambat cepat jer.....
okeh laa.... kang memacam lak tetulis kat sini... sampai bende yang x patut pun tetulis kan... huhuh...
for last paper doakan saye boleh jawap dengan baikk..... aminn...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

tengok ni.. bukan sekadar gamba.... ade sesuatu dalam nya... cube la cari...


ha nih nak test u all punye otak... hehehe.... i really like this game... agak penin la klu pade yg ade masalah untuk berimaginasi... tp bile da tau care yang betul insyallah leh dapat... tak tau biase panggil ape.. tp yg i know, just call hidden 3d image...

setelah di search rupenye name die stereograms.... hehehe.. rase best sgt bile dapat tgk gamba yg tersembunyi tuu.... mcm ade dlm satu dunia yg lain.... and rase puas hati sbb ape yg tersembunyi dapat diketahui...ok here i letak one of the stereogram... try la cari gamba yang tersembunyi.... ok.. gud luck.. if xtau care i ade letak care2 die kat bawah tuu.. (saje je wat lepas tension time exam nihh)

How to View Stereograms

At first look stereogram is similar to nothing more but a tiled pattern, however, with a proper look you can discover amazing 3D image hidden inside. And it's not just a play of imagination, the hidden image is very realistic. You will see exactly what was put in by a stereogram artist.
Basically you need to unfocus your eyes and look through the stereogram. Picture becomes blurry and doubled and that exactly what we want. This will make pattern tiles to overlap each other and each eye will be seeing slightly different image. Disparency in views will make your brain see hidden 3D image.
Some people who have problems with binolular vision most likely will not be able to see hidden image. Other vision issues such as nearsightedness and farsightedness will not affect much your ability to see stereograms. Check website for details.
There are different methods to learn seeing stereograms, one or another may work out better for you, though all will require some patience. You can try both stereogram on monitor and printed on paper.

Method 1 - Face it

1. Put your face close to the screen or printed stereogram. Try to look through the image, pretending it doesn't exist. Of course you won't be able to see anything yet because image is too close to the eyes.

2. Always hold stereogram horizontally, do not turn and do not bend it. Don't tilt your head and try not to blink.

3. Then start to move back from the stereogram (or move stereogram away from you) very slowly. Your eyes naturally will try to refocus back on the image but you will need to force your eyes not to do so. Keep looking through the image and moving back from it slowly at the same time. If it happens that eyes focus on the image start Step 1 again.

4. Once you can keep looking through the stereogram, keep moving it (or your head) back and force very slowly. At some distance, when patterns overlap each other, you will notice that something strange is happening to the image. That's a very good sign and after a while you will see blurry levels of depth or some 3D images.

5. Once you can see blurry 3D picture, keep looking at it this way. Don't force your eyes to focus yet, they will need some time to adjust. After a few seconds or minutes you'll see how image snaps and becomes very sharp. When it happens you will know that you can see the stereogram.

Method 2 - Relax Your Vision

1. Put stereogram in front of you, let's say 30cm(1 foot) and start relaxing your vision. You can remember how you did the same when you were reading book too long and your eyes couldn't concentrate on the text anymore. Try to do that again with a stereogram, relax your eyes until picture becomes blurry and doubled.

2. When you relax your eyes naturally diverge (look apart or to infinity). Using this trick try to relax eys a little or some more. This will make your eyes to diverge on different angles. At some angle you will see that a hidden image appears. When it happens eyes should stick to this angle and you'll be able to see hidden 3D.

3. Once you can see blurry 3D picture, keep looking at it this way until it becomes sharp and recognizable.

Method 3 - Look Through

1. Find some object in your room, for example a picture on the wall, or a toy on your table, could be anything you can look at.

2. Take a stereogram in your hands and start looking on the object you picked.

3. Start moving the stereogram from low to high slowly, until it blocks view to the object, but keep looking at the object all the time. In other words you need to close object with the stereogram, keep looking on the object. If your eyes switch to the object, lower the stereogram and try Step 2 again.

4. Once you can keep looking at the object and the stereogram doesn't distract you, try various distances between you and object. At some distance you will see the hidden image in the stereogram.

5. Once you can see blurry 3D picture, keep looking at it this way until it becomes sharp and recognizeble.

Method 4 - Reflection

1. Put your stereogram behind a glass door or window or laminate it with a glossy plastic. This method will work with CRT monitors as well.

2. Turn on a lamp behind you so that you can see its reflection in the glass.

3. Look at the stereogram which shoul be from the other side of the glass and then look at the lamp and the hidden image should pop up. If it doesn't work try to move lamp closer to you and try again.

Method 5 - Blink Your Eye

1. This method is not very common, but it could work if nothing else worked. Close one eye and look at the stereogram with only one eye opened

2. Try to not to concentrate on the stereogram and relax your vision.

3. After a few seconds open the eye which was closed and 3D image will pop up.

Method 6 - Transparency

1. This method requires a stereogram printed on film or plastic sheet so that it's transfluent and you can look through it. A contour stereogram will work the best.

2. Just look through transfluent stereogram at something with solid color, for instance white wall in your room.

3. Move stereogram slowly and change distance to the wall untill hidden image appears.

Method 7 - Anaglyph

1. You will need to find anaglyph glasses for this method. They are very inexpensive, have red and green filters and usually made of cardboard.

2. Open this stereogram and put on the glasses.

3. Look at the bottom of the picture, you should be able to see folks sitting on the beach in 3D.

4. Once you see 3D start moving your sight slowly to the top. Try to look at the ocean as it comes away from you.

5. At the top you should be able to see a palm beach and hidden object in the sky. Stick your eyes to it and take off the glasses quickly, trying to hold your vision. You should be able to see the hidden object and palm beach without glasses as well.

Reveal the Stereogram

If none of the methods above could help you, or if you possibly have issues with binocular vision, try this online tool, which will help you to see hidden image using your normal vision. Changing animation speed and virtual Focus, discover hidden objects layer by layer.